When you are tired of the Blockly-Style coding that is used on some programs and projects, check out the following resources to create interactive webpages and other fun ideas: Thisissand.com: Create your own Sand Drop Drawing! WordArt.com: "WordArt.com is an online word cloud art creator that enables you to create amazing and unique word cloud art with ease.
Professional quality results can be achieved in no time at all, even for users with no prior knowledge of graphic design."
Note: If you create an account on THIMBLE, you will soon need to create an account on Glitch to save, and share your work. Read the information found here about the changes. Code Club: "Here you’ll find step-by-step instructions for our coding projects, which will teach you how to create games, animations and more with code." Projects include using Scratch, HTML & CSS, Python, and learning how to use a Raspberry Pi! One of the most popular projects is learning about Pixel Art, you should try it!
This is your chance to turn your coding experience into a holiday project. Follow the links below to the different activities today. Enjoy these this week! - Mr. S
Holiday Emoji Project: You’re about to design a custom holiday emoji that you can share digitally or IRL. Codecademy is the easiest way to learn how to code. It's interactive, fun, and you can do it with your friends.
Twelve Days of Christmas Code:Nice, simple implementation of the Twelve Days of Christmas. As jhixson puts it, “Pretty straightforward … in JS with a few ES6 bits.” Run it today, there are still a couple of days left! That is of course, assuming the twelfth day of Christmas is actually Christmas, which I believe is out of scope of this blog article. Snowstorm Project: A fancy, customizable JavaScript-driven snow effect which you can easily add to your homepage to eat up the user’s CPU! Also included, if you are feeling a bit Clark Griswoldy, is an experimental Christmas Lights script, which you can find at the top of the page. Java Christmas Lights: Great idea and execution, Anvaka! As noted on the README.md, “The tree is built of two spirals. These 11 lines of code render one line on spiral. It includes 3d projection and background shadow.” Hannakuh CSS Menorah: Here is a Menorah written entirely in CSS. Neat! SANTA TRACKER by GOOGLE: Leave it to Google to outdo everyone on the list. Enter stage north, the Santa Tracker. As Google puts it, the Santa Tracker is, “an educational and entertaining tradition for the December holiday period.” While this project appears quite jolly on the surface, Santa actually is currently involved in litigation with Google over this tracking system. Expert witness, Rudolph. Either way, enjoy! Original Post by SourceToad.com at https://www.sourcetoad.com/code/5-holiday-code-ideas/ BONUS SITE: Christmas Experiments
AS YOU ENTER THE ROOM, Please complete a short Constructed Response to this question (using the R.A.C.E.S. Method: R-Repeat the Question, A-Answer the Question, C-Cite your Examples/Evidence, E-Explain your Examples/Evidence, S-Summarize and Wrap-Up your response neatly.) Make sure to check grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling as you go! Also, make sure this is the first entry on your Google Slides Digital Portfolio, on the Morning Meeting / CR Journal Page.
Contructed Response Heading (Date) - (Topic)
11 December 2018 - CSED Week Reflection
Constructed Response Question: What is the reason we ask you to learn to code during Computer Science Education Week? Why do you think it is important, and what types of coding/programming might be found in a future career you are interested in?
The reason students are taught to code, during Computer Science Education Week, is because there are so many ways that programming is part of our lives now. Almost every tool we take for granted, as we look around, has some kind of computer component running code to help us complete tasks, make our lives easier, or moniter some critical piece of equipment we are using. Almost every career field has software, hardware, and machines that make our work more productive, and allows us to reach new goals that we could not complete without the use of programming. As an educator, there are new digital technologies that emerge faster than we can begin to use them. We are training the students of today for careers that do not even exist yet!
Now that you have tried Code.org's Dance Party, Kano's Street Artist, and some other tutorials, you should post some of your work on the new Digital Portfolio you created in class yesterday (Google Sites). Make sure you follow all the directions listed on yesterday's post (see below or click http://collegiumtech.blogspot.com/2018/12/digital-portfolios-using-google-sites.html) and add projects from all your other classes. This will be an great way to show off your work here at CCS-515! One of the most important things you should do is make sure your Career Education & Work (CEW Evidence) projects are populated to that page.
New Coding Projects For Week 2 of
CSED Week in CSA Class!
Kano: "Anyone Can Make"- Mission Statement: The modern world is filled with billions of machines. 📱 But 1% of 1% of us can open them up, & change them. Now, a new generation is rising. They see this world as something to shape, not just use. Kano is a new kind of computer company. 💡 You make & code our technology yourself, with simple steps, stories, and play. You share your creations with others across the physical and digital world. We work with artists, misfits, technologists, and teachers in 86 countries. 🌍 Together, we'll demystify the modern world – and open up its creative power to all.
Tynker Hour of Code Page (Click Here): With Tynker's revolutionary approach, kids learn to code using visual code blocks that represent real programming concepts. They progress to text languages like JavaScript and Python as they continue to play through 2,000+ interest-driven activities.
TynkerCad Autodesk (Click Here): Tinkercad is a free online collection of software tools that help people all over the world think, create and make. We’re the ideal introduction to Autodesk, the leader in 3D design, engineering and entertainment software. LearnPython.org: Whether you are an experienced programmer or not, this website is intended for everyone who wishes to learn the Python programming language.
We have already used many of the Blockley-Style Programming tutorials found on Code.Org. Now, without creating an account, try some of the tutorials on other programming languages found on freeCodeCamp.com. Here is some basic information (taken directly from their About Us page) to get you started. Good Luck!
What is freeCodeCamp?
We’re a community that helps you learn to code, then get experience by contributing to open source projects used by nonprofits.
How can you help me learn to code?
You'll learn to code by completing coding challenges and building projects. You'll also earn verified certificates along the way. We also encourage you to join a study group in your city so you can code in-person with other people.
Is freeCodeCamp really free?
Yes. Every aspect of freeCodeCamp is 100% free.
Can freeCodeCamp help me get a job as a software developer?
Yes. Every year, thousands of people who join the freeCodeCamp community get their first software developer job.
How can I get a job?
Most people get jobs through friends and hiring managers they know from coding events. There are also services that can help you get interviews.
How long will it take me to finish each of freeCodeCamp's certificates?
Each certificate takes around 400 hours of dedicated learning. Some people may take longer. These certificates are completely self-paced, so take as long as you need.
Is freeCodeCamp a replacement for a 4-year degree?
No. Please don’t drop out of college just to pursue freeCodeCamp. You can pursue both concurrently. Even though you don’t need a 4-year degree to work as a software developer, it still helps a lot.
Should I complete all of the coding challenges in order?
We’ve put a lot of thought into how we introduce concepts. But you’re free to jump around.
Where can I get technical support for using the freeCodeCamp.org platform?
Resumes used to be the only tool you had to showcase your academic and professional achievements when you were looking for a new job. Today you have so many more options, one of which is to create a Digital Portfolio. This visual representation of your history and greatest achievements provides employers with proof of what you can do and helps them see why they should consider hiring you. It also sets you apart from all the other candidates who simply send in a resume and cover letter.
"If you’re in the process of developing a digital portfolio, you can’t afford to view it as a mere collection of work samples; you need to think of it as your preeminent marketing piece."
- Ram Castillo (Award Winning Designer and Art Director)
"One of the inherent dangers with digital portfolios, for example, is that the technological novelty of the product could overshadow the purpose of the portfolio." - Digital portfolios: fact or fashion?" by Helen Woodward & Phil Nanlohy
According to Inc. Magazine (Online) and the Young Entrepreneur Council you should turn experiences into a story worth sharing. According to the article "How to Create a Digital Portfolio That Stands Out From The Pack", some of the main reasons to create a Digital Portfolio are to:
One of the best resources for creating a Digital Portfolio is at https://info.portfolium.com/blog/digital-portfolio-tips. There are 10 PRO Tips that are discussed in the article that you should consider using in this project.
Here is the Process of Creating an Electronic Portfolio developed by Helen C. Barrett, Ph.D.:
Step 2: Click your "Waffle" (Upper Right Corner) to open your list of Google Applications
Step 3: Click on Google Sites
Step 4: Watch The Video Below:
Step 5: Design Your Site Heading
Upper Left Corner - Change the Site Name to CCS Student Portfolio, and ADD a Logo of your choice.
Change the Site TITLE to your Full Name.
Move the Pointer to the Lower Left Corner of the Heading and choose the type of Image used for the Background. You may also Click Header Type to change the Header area.
Click on the TEXT BOX button (under Insert in the menu on the right side of the screen), and add space below the Header for a Personal Mission Statement / Memorable Quote / Job or Position you are interested in.
Click on one of the Layouts (under Insert in the menu on the right side of the screen), and add an "ABOUT ME:" section below the Text Box. See the sample site at https://sites.google.com/ccs.us/hscribnerportfolio/home for what to write in this section.
Click on one of the Layouts (under Insert in the menu on the right side of the screen), and add an additional section for at least 2 of your most recent projects that you are proud of.
Click the PAGES link in the menu to the right side of the screen. Add a PAGE labeled "CCS-515 Projects". Add TEXT Boxes for Title Bars, and Insert Sections to add all of your work for each project. You can Upload files, or link directly to your Google Drive.
Click the PAGES link in the menu to the right side of the screen. Add a PAGE labeled "CEW Evidence". Use this page to link/post information about anything that would qualify as evidence for PA Career Education & Work Standards. These can include resume's, cover letters, career project investigation surveys or worksheets, individual assessment forms, and any other documents from work you have completed. Remember, 8th-Grade students are required to have at least eight (8) items in this section prior to heading to high school. You MUST have an Individual Career Plan started as well. See your counselor for help with this.
At any time during the design process you can click the PREVIEW Button and see what your site will look like.
Once you are in high school, or with your parent's permission, create a personal Gmail Account and use the following link to transfer your work to your own account. This way you will not lose this as you graduate, and stop using your ccs.us account:
Header and Home Page: Student must have a legible header with your site title (CCS Student Portfolio) and a small logo of some sort. Student must also have a "Personal Mission Statement / Memorable Quote / Job or Position You Are Interested In" section. The "About Me" section must include a tasteful, professional-looking picture of the student (Collegium I.D. picture is recommended), and a paragraph or two as outlined on Mr. Scribner's Sample Site. Student must also have at least two (2) current projects outlined, with images, on the Home Page. Make sure all titles and additional pages are accessible from this page.
Morning Meeting/CR Journal: Student will create this page as a place-holder for Constructed Response Items, Journal, or other posts as required. Student can use this space to comment on news, events, or other interests. Make sure that anything posted is school-appropriate, and in good taste, even when it might be a controversial or inflammatory topic. Be respectful at all times.
CCS-515 Projects Page: Student must add sections for Computer Skills & Applications or STEAM-E, and include enough sections for every project to date. Student should review their Google Drive and the Class Assignment Site's Archive Section (collegiumtech.blogspot.com) to make sure they have all the previous projects. Add additional sections for other classes. There should, at minimum, be spaces for English Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science. Make sure to LINK any work from your Google Drive for each class.
CEW Evidence Page: Students should scan any external document to their Google Drive prior to adding them to this page (Try to add them as a PDF). Make sure to add all items from CSA or STEAM-E classes that qualify as CEW Evidence here, instead of on the previous page.
Additional pages may be created for other projects, specific reasons, or at the request of other teachers. This site should be updated regularly with new work, and evidence for PA CEW Requirements. Use this site to reference work during interviews for jobs or college entrance meetings. Make sure that your parents see this site, and approve of anything you post.
When You Click "PUBLISH" You Must Title Your Page Using Your First Initial and Last Name. See Example Below:
Learning To Code (Part 2) - Computer Science Education Week
Here it is! So close to the holiday season, and we are now in the middle of Computer Science Education Week. Please visit csedweek.org, code.org, and hourofcode.com to find a wide array of projects for you to complete in class, and at home. Make sure you are spending some time at home showing your parents (and other family members) how cool is is to learn how to be a programmer!
There is a wealth of information about careers, opportunities, and other ways to learn to code! Use the information found at code.org/promote to help learn about what your states are doing to increase learning opportunities for students who want to learn about computer science.
Want to Work For Google Someday?
Watch The Video Below To Get Started!
Once you have looked at some of the resources above, and we have discussed them as a class, you have a choice to work on the following items for credit this week:
Project 1: Try the Celebrity Challenge: Go to code.org/challenge and create an app, game, or design with Code.org and tag #HourOfCode and one of our special guests for a chance to win a video chat for your classroom! SHARE a link to your project with Mr. S (hscribner@ccs.us) for credit.
Project 2: Go to the KANO, Anyone Can Make website and complete the Street Artist Hour of Code tutorial. You must SHARE your project by creating an account, and emailing a link to your project to Mr. S (hscribner@ccs.us) for credit.
Project 3: Use your creativity and imagination to bring the Google logo to life using code. Make the letters dance, tell a story or create a game. With Scratch and CS First, anyone can become a designer and programmer for the day! Go to the GOOGLE LOGO Link to get started. You must take a screen shot (or video if necessary) of your Google Logo Design and email it to Mr. S (hscribner@ccs.us) for credit. CLASS LINK FOR CSA 18-19 S1 (Click Here)
Project 4: Choose any other tutorial found on hourofcode.com, get a project pre-approved by Mr. S, and Share it for credit! You can also use freecodecamp.org or w3schools.com, or any other online tutorial that you show Mr. S prior to starting. Make sure your content is appropriate for school! You get extra credit for sharing a new source, tutorial, or application I have not seen yet!
Project 5: CodeCombat - You can log into CodeCombat (Click Name) and learn to code using Python, Javascript, or Coffeescript. Check it out, and SHARE your progress with the class!
COOL NEW SPECIAL PROJECT: MICRO-BIT Build a Virtual Pet using code!
When posting your work to Padlet (see link above), you need to include your initials, the Class and Period you are in the Tech. Lab, a brief description, the link to your project, and a picture of some kind. See my example, or ask if you have additional questions. You should also email Mr. Scribner (hscribner@ccs.us) the link to your active projects. Have Fun With This Project!
Have a great week and ENJOY this time learning to code in our class!
Computer science drives job growth and innovation throughout our economy and society. Computing occupations are the number 1 source of all new wages in the U.S. and make up over half of all projected new jobs in STEM fields, making Computer Science one of the most in-demand college degrees. And computing is used all around us and in virtually every field. It’s foundational knowledge that all students need. But computer science is marginalized throughout education. Only 35% of U.S. high schools teach any computer science courses and only 8% of STEM graduates study it. We need to improve access for all students, including groups who have traditionally been underrepresented.
Computer science in Pennsylvania:
Pennsylvania currently has 20,555 open computing jobs (3.7 times the average demand rate in Pennsylvania).
The average salary for a computing occupation in PA is $87,822, which is significantly higher than the average salary in the state ($48,760).
The existing open jobs alone represent a $1,805,174,632 opportunity in terms of annual salaries.
Pennsylvania had only 2,969 computer science graduates in 2015; only 20% were female.
Only 3,058 exams were taken in AP Computer Science by high school students in Pennsylvania in 2017 (1,952 took AP CS A and 1,106 took AP CSP).
Only 22% were female (18% for AP CS A and 28% for AP CSP); only 146 exams were taken by Hispanic or Latino students (91 took AP CS A and 55 took AP CSP); only 84 exams were taken by Black students (48 took AP CS A and 36 took AP CSP); only 2 exams were taken by American Indian or Alaska Native students (1 took AP CS A and 1 took AP CSP); no exams were taken by Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander students.
Only 206 schools in PA (26% of PA schools with AP programs) offered an AP Computer Science course in 2016-2017 (23% offered AP CS A and 11% offered AP CSP), which is 37 more than the previous year.
There are fewer AP exams taken in computer science than in any other STEM subject area.
Universities in Pennsylvania did not graduate a single new teacher prepared to teach computer science in 2016.
What can you do to improve K-12 CS education?
1. Call on your school to expand computer science offerings at every grade level.
2. Ask your local school district to allow computer science courses to satisfy a core math or science requirement.
3. Visit www.code.org/educate/3rdparty to find out about courses and curriculum from a variety of third parties, including Code.org.
4. Visit www.code.org/promote/PA to learn more about supporting computer science in your state.
5. Sign the petition at www.change.org/computerscience to join 100,000 Americans asking Congress to support computer science.
According to a representative survey from Google/Gallup, school administrators in PA support expanding computer science education opportunities: 71% of principals surveyed think CS is just as or more important than required core classes. And one of their biggest barriers to offering computer science is the lack of funds for hiring and training teachers.
When you finish the tutorial, use the instructions given in class to print your Certificate of Completion. MAKE SURE YOU COPY THE LINK TO YOUR PROJECT AND EMAIL IT TO MR. SCRIBNER (hscribner@cvcs.us) FOR CREDIT! You should also use the buttons provided to send your personalized Dance Party to your parents (email or text). For additional learning, please try to complete the KEEP ON DANCINGtutorial on your own! Have Fun, and Good Luck! - Mr. S